Tuesday, May 25, 2010

it's gonna be a long 6 weeks!

typically after dinner i would go off and color {sniff} and mark would lay on the sofa and watch a bit of TSN. But since this babe can't color, this is how our conversation went tonight...

linda: mark, come work on this puzzle with me
mark: why?
linda: because is a nice family thing we can do together
mark: that is if we were stuck at a cottage somewhere, not at home where we have cable TV



  1. ummm I kinda agree with Mark :) I can guarantee my hubby would stay on the couch!!

  2. Oh Linda! That is so sad and so funny all at the same time. Men and cable TV...they just can't live without each other! I miss your fab creations so I wish you a speedy recovery!

  3. LOL LOL~~typical husband! Thanx for the laugh!

  4. Linda - I'm laughing my butt off. Sounds like a typical Cath and Shauney conversation. Only my hubby always watches crappy tv - war movies, history chanel, and CNN. Drives me nuts. I'm sitting in my office cruising the net and watching Glee. You're in my thoughts. I miss your creations and hope you feel yourself again soon!

  5. ohhhhh...hi there lovely Linda! My heart goes out to you! Missing your creations already- take care girl and dont let hubby get u down...gees..they are all like that I think! :(

  6. I have the same conversation with Joe about Scrabble. I curse that golf channel sometimes! I hope that you can find a new "normal" to help you get through the next 6 weeks. Hugs to you Sistah!

  7. Usually it's my husband asking me to watch TV with him just after we've finished dinner. I don't know who he thinks is going to clear everything away while we're watching a movie since we don't have any house elves. You must be so frustrated, not to mention bored. You have all my sympathy. Missing your inspiration.

  8. Typical man. I feel bad for you, so frustrating and we are certainly missing your creations.

  9. Linda....my heart goes out to you. I feel soooo badly for you! Not only do you not get to create those gorgeous cards...we miss out on seeing them. I wish you a very speedy recovery so we can see all those fabulous images you colour so beautifully! Hang in there!

  10. Missing your gorgeous creations already!!!

    My DH used to do picture puzzles with me a long time ago but never wanted to play board games. What we do like to do together is crossword puzzles.

    I think if I couldn't use my right hand in a normal fashion, I would probably read...a lot! or surf the internet:) I might even try to write with my left hand. I used to do that when I was young - just for fun. I actually have one drawing that I did with my left hand (in the last 5 years) that was part of an exercise to learn how to draw. I surprised myself - it's actually not too bad. I think the exercise may have come from a book called Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain.

    Whatever you do I hope you have fun doing it, because 6 weeks of boredom is looooooong.

  11. LOL! That is hysterical! I hope you feel better SUPER soon!!!

  12. You poor thing.... that's a long time without stamping. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  13. after i saw him wait on you hand and foot...without actually touching the foot...LOL...he turns down puzzle time? Maybe if it had sports crap all over it, he would help! Jim would help you as long as he could face a tv...LOL

  14. Well imgine how LONG it's gonna be for the rest of us!!!! We suffer too. :)

  15. What a lovely blog I found here!
    I absolutely love your cards!

    I cased one today, please visit my blog to see it!


    Hugs Marit

  16. Lookie there...I see hippie Mark posing in his tie dye shirt..LOL
