Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Fella's my baby boys turn 21 years old and for as long as I can remember we called them fella' in "fella's, dinner is ready", or "fella's it's time to go" has always been "fellas" since the day they were born. I often wonder what our 'calling' would have been if we had girls, or a boy and a girl...but "fellas" has stuck till this day. I can't believe where the years have gone....does this mean I'm officially old? I'm not mentally ready to be old yet but some days my body tells me otherwise.

So in typical twin fashion, I have two cards to show you today and I'll start with Derek. This is a Mo Manning image that I purchased digitally. Mo is my definite go to gal when I need something for a guy and this fella's name is Paul typing, but in all honesty, it looks EXACTLY like Derek, right down to the bright blue laptop. We took a drive to Hamilton on Saturday and took Derek out to the Keg for dinner, which he was most appreciative of since he has been living on a student diet since September.

So here's to you Derek, happy 21st!

Next up is Alex, actually he was known as Baby A and made it to the finish line a whole 6 minutes ahead of Derek. In their early days, Alex was quite proud of the fact that he was 'first born'...but in my mind, they are totally equal. Alex enjoys the 'good life' and I think he takes after his mother a bit there! I asked him if he wanted to go to Hamilton for dinner on Saturday and he 'kinda' had plans! I can only imagine what those plans were so in my most  motherly fashion I gently reminded him of the dangers of binge drinking and then made hime a card that I hope will be a lasting goes... this is the front of the card which is an Art Impressions image which was intended to be a root beer float! Well, I strategically omitted the straws and turned it into a mug of beer! Pretty clever eh!

I added some liquid applique for the 'foam' and over heated it to give it the caramel tinge and some deep drips of glossy accents gavr some dimension to the mug.

My cleverness did not end there however! The inside of my card was made with some quickutz dies as a gentle reinforcement to keep the drinking under control. Do I seem like a freak? Well maybe, but as much as I trust my boys to be responsible, it never hurts to gently remind them from time to time... and if they get a chuckle out of my reminder, I've scored twice! Reminder, AND a chuclke!

Happy Birtthday guys!...We love you.



  1. Linda, they are both works of art. Your work is wonderful and I so enjoy your blog. I'm new to your scene but love all your work so far.I have to say I have never used a copic but if it would make me color like that....

  2. Sending birthday wishes to your boys Linda. May there days be happy and bright. Both of your cards are truly a work of art, your coloring always blows me away !!!

  3. What a gorgeous cards Linda.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  4. Happy bday to your boys! These are wonderful-that beer card looks like it's SO REAL-holy cow you are so talented!

  5. Oh my gosh, AWESOME!! Love what you've done for both boys! WOW -- 21! Woohoo!

    I can't get over the beer card -- genius, fun, and perfect for the occasion! You're sooooo my idol!

  6. Both cards are grt...HappyBD to both of your boys..and you can never stop being a caring mom..very nice..thks for sharing

  7. You are an inspiration to all Mom's! your cards are not only awesome, but the beer card with it's reminder inside is just a hoot! Only a Mom could come up with that! I bet both cards will be treasured!
