This is Baby A's card, otherwise know to the fam as Alex, or in his early months we called him Hootch because he was a BIG TIME drooler! For those who don't know, Hootch was a movie from the late 80j's or early 90's and one of the stars of the show was an oversize drooling dog...sorry Alex!
I pulled this image out of my pile of 'already stamped' stuff and I think it is an art impressions, but I can't be totally sure. Of course I coloured him with copics, but used LOTS of pencils for shading.
He looks kind of mean, but he really isn't, he is just old, and wise... and these are the words of wisdom he has to say...(sentiment compliments of River City Rubber works)
Pretty good advice for a university student, don't you think!
If you want to see Baby B's card, aka Derek, aka Peanut, aka Spinky, you'll have to come back Friday because I rolled that one into our Bellarific Friday sketch challenge this week! A girl just has to multitask sometimes!
I can name that card in one word..... AWESOME!