Sorry, no card today, just a little update for some of my personal friends and family who have to listen to me day after day. With the reno phase II (....yes Mark...there WILL be a phase III) coming to an end we thought we would leave a little time capsule in our house. We all signed our names on the post that is going to be covered with the decorative column! Derek...who NEVER likes me to take his picture even said we should get a family shot in front of the post to leave inside it. WOW! My boy is a little nostalgic...whoda thought? I may just have to do that when Alex gets home from work!

I even got Guy, our contractor to sign it! He has sort of become part of our family on and off for the past year and I'll kinda miss him when he is done. Not to worry Guy...I've got more secret plans for ya...I'll just let Mark get over phase II before I spring phase III on him!
Don't forget to go check
Emily's blog because she has posted her next challenge for us...it's wide open so nobody with any color challenges should have difficulty with this one.
What a cool idea making a time capsule! I first found your blog when you had just finished your Reno I, which came out gorgeous!! Hope you take pictures along the way:)
can't wait to see it next weekend!! will have to shop smart and get outte there so we can try that tub out! bwahhhhh
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