Today is my birthday and it is gonna be pretty low key compared to last years big 5-0 festivities...but that is good! I like low key! We are heading to Windsor this afternoon so that I can go to Michaels and pick up a few things to start an art journal. I can blame it all on this post by Dena but then when I was at Bella central a few days ago I got to see her journal up close and personal and thought to myself I NEED to explore this. She directed me to a couple websites and I can't wait to get started...Although I can't really JOURNAL anything yet, I might be able to glue paper.
You might remember last year I made myself this b'day card and obviously I can't do that again this year but I can show you the card that Paula gave me! She posted it on her blog here but it can't hurt to showcase it again. I'm not kidding when I say this reminds me soooooooooooo much of perfectly captures her spirit except she would be singing at her desk instead of at a piano and that would be Nicky and Pebbles beside her...Daisy is likely off getting into trouble somewhere!

Now for a little wrist update. I have a new fiberglass cast! What do ya think of that hot pink color? It is pretty close to RV34! LOL!

There were about 6 colors to choose from and I soooooooooo wanted to ask to see samples but there were a lot of people there and I didn't want to be a pain. They took xrays again and was told the bone is in a good position to heal so that is good. My thumb is still tingly but has feeling and seems to be a bit better. I got a glimpse of the xray and the screw looks HUGE...he did say that it will likely have to come out but i'll worry about that later. This cast is much lighter and much more comfortable. My thumb is still imobilized but I have a bit more movement in my fingers since this cast is below the nuckles. however, typing is still very ackward and uncomfortable because I have to hold my arm in a weird position with my elbow up to get my fingers to the keyboard. It is not something I could do for any great length of time...hence the hiatus from my day job as a programmer!
Over the past couple weeks I have also gotten some beautiful (and some just plain funny and cute!...BEV and MAXINE!) cards and emails and I want to thank you all for that!!!! They make me smile and I'll be using them all for inspiration when I get back to colouring and making cards again.
Till next time, have a great day!
Love the color of your cast :). Love that birthday card, where is it from?
Happy Birthday to you.. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! LOVE the colour of you cast - and how we now relate life to copics colours! What a FAB card from Paula!!
Happy Birthday...hope you enjoy it and spend lots on lovely crafty stash.....hope your soon back to normal crafting....soooo miss your post,am an avid fan of your colouring,take care.xx
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you... You are so lucky you can't hear me singing. I may be Welsh by birth, but I CAN'T sing a note. Have a great day. I love that cast.
Only a true artist would compare the color of their cast to a marker color LOL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I hope you have a wonderful low key day. Thanks so much for allowing us to share in your creative journey.
Happy, Happy Birthday! You'll be back in the coloring game in no time! Can't wait for your first post after you do.
Nice cast! I'm still hobbling around but can take off my arm brace. My arm hurts after a while though but I guess it's healing ok, very stiff though. The foot and ankle are another story. Very painful and walking will be tough. I agree, those screws look HUGE, like sheet rock screws! I have 3 and wire that will need to come out and I can't wait as I can feel that wire poking from the inside. No wonder I'm in pain! Enjoy your time off. Left handed stamping is possible so have a go.
Oh Happy Birthday Linda!! Love Paula's card, so fun. Popped over to leave her some love.
Loving the RV34 cast, LOL!! Glad it's healing well so far, hope that continues so that you can be back colouring as soon as poss!! Totally missing your gorgeous creations.
Happy Happy Birthday Linda!!!!!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend celebrating with that swanky new's sooooooo stylin'!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Lindabella! Like everyone else I wish you a great day and can't wait until you can start coloring again! You and Paula are two of my daily morning reads before work. Take care. :)
Happy Birthday!! Looks like you're making progress, look good in pink :)
Hope you had a great birthday, Linda!! Gorgeous cast - gotta love that RV34! Glad to hear you're healing and on your way to recovery. :) Would love to see some of the cards people are sending you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lindah! I totally love that card and your cast color is absolutely devine for summer. I took a piece of certainly celerly cardstock in to match up the paint color!
gelukkige verjaardag!!!! Happy Birthday in Flemish. Big kisses from Elke, Antwerp, Belgium
So glad to hear that you are healing well and are on the mend. And sorry to have missed wishing you Happy Birthday on your special day. I was having a ball with Paula. You should have seen her - she used Copic markers all day! Hope that one day we can all get together and create! Stay well and sane - watch HGTV - Paula said there are lots of hotties on. Who knew?
Hey happy birthday fellow Gemini
June 5th is my birthday too!!!!!!!
Love the color of your cast!!!!!
So glad you see you down size your cast! Get better soon so we can see your gorgeous artwork! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Happy, happy birthday. I won't sing because my singing is so bad my daughters decline my offer to sing happy birthday to them...really, the nerve of them.
So glad to hear that your broken bone is healing well.Anyway, hope you are backing colouring soon - love your cards.
Have a lovely day.
I was in Port Huron and it hit me! LINDA's BIRTHDAY!!!!! I know you had a good one even though your mom had to cut your food up for ya. Yes, you are still her little girl, in her pink cast..instead of a bonnet! LOL LOVE the color...I am almost jealous AGAIN! Is this the cast we get to sign?? Ohhh, yes, Daisy is a kitten who likes to grab and make trouble for grandma! I need to get my art journal now... talk to ya soon.. MWAH!!!
Happy Birthday Lindabella!! LOOOOOVE the new color cast!! It's SO YOU!! OMG, that card is just awesome! I can see Paulabella singin' to you too! LOL!! GET WELL SOON!
Wow - love the new cast Linda! Happy Birthday!
Just dropping by to let you know that you have a Sunshine Award waiting for you on my blog ( to say thank you for all the wonderful inspiration you have given me. I was a stalker, sorry, follower of yours for ages before taking up my crafty stash again!
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