As always, she was stamped on Bella's bestest paper and coloured with copic markers. Some pencil was used to shade the cup and to create the shading and grounding around the image. I stamped the teacup a second time and coloured it to pop it out on the final image. I LOVE the dimension! The little bow in her hair was also popped up. To finish it off I added some liquid applique to the 'stars' on the cup and black glaze pen to her eyes and a glass pearl to her bow. She is a cutie, that's for sure!
Were you at Scrapfest on the weekend? I had soooooooooooo much fun meeting and greeting other bloggers and peeps who dropped in to say hi, or that they read my blog...and CraftyCath who introduced herself...thank you! I love to meet those mystery people who ALWAYS leave the sweetest comments!
AND...I came home sooooooo broke! In an impulse (yes I have an issue with that) I purchased a Lifestyle crafts Letterpress. It will be shipped and I cannot wait to start playing with it. I have read mixed reviews on it, but I always figure if at least half the people can get it working, and the other half can't...that 'other half' must be doing something wrong....and i'm not the type of person who allows myself to be beaten by a craft tool so I have faith! Besides, that 'other' half might be wanting to print hundreds of invitations or something and come on...it IS just a craft tool and likely not meant to stand up to hard repeated use. The other thing that intriques me is that I have found a couple places on the net that will make custom plates! NOW, if only I could find time to learn how to make them that could be really fun! ...drat that day job! ...i don't think I've said it recently so it was due time.
My other really FUN purchase (besides all the bella rubber I came home with) was the Quickutz paper doll and accessory set. I almost FAINTED when I saw the cards on display. These are just FUN... plain old FUN!...like project runway on paper and makes you feel like a kid playing with those sticker books, or paper dolls and turning them into something useful.

These are the couple I put together yesterday while I was playing around with it. OMG...I want to make a MILLION OF THEM cause there are so many more accessories in the kits that I didn't use and want to, but I again, I have soooooooooo much paper and sooooooooooo little time! DRAT that day job!
Tonight I'll be working on my submission for Bellarific Friday...remember Mother's Day is our theme and with such a FANTASTIC release now is the time to try and get lucky with some extra bella bucks in your account. Make a card AND leave a comment and might get lucky and win twice!
Linda - it was absolutely wonderful to finally see you in person! The Bella booth was too crowded to sit and do the make-n-take but I still learned something watching you. Thanks for sharing the shading tip. I came right home and tried it out and even used it for this weeks Bella challenge. Woo Hoo - it was like a light bulb went off. I have to chuckle at your paper doll purchase. I saw these too and just about dropped my jaw. Of course they had to come home with me. I loved the classic, elegant style and knew that they would be a hit with family and friends. Love your samples. As with everything you do - they are stunning!
so good to see you again...keep on blowing my mind!!
ok so REMEMBER I LAFFFED AND LAFFED at the paperdolls? now I AM ANGRY that I didn't get them..LOL.. your distressed RUFFLES? OMG. you are too good
I am blown away by this! I'm a friend of Jod's and brand new to your blog but am following now. Just got my first order of SB's Teacup girls (the older ones) and I will DEF be back for these new cuties! your coloring is off the charts wonderful!!!
Linda it was so nice to see you at the show!! Thanks so much for the denim colours I found it no problem .. OMG didn't you love those dolls! I totally missed the make and take but I hadordered the cricut version of these.. It is called "forever young" they have lots of girl fashion images!! Love what you made with it!! Hope to see you again in October at the next Scrapfest!!
Love your gorgeous teacup card. It's so adorable!!
I think I need these paper dolls! Your cards are fabulous!! tfs
wow - I LOVE the dolls - they are such great cards for my girlfriends - will have to see if they're available on this side of the pond somewhere. We're always way behind you on craft trends :(
The card is beautiful! I totally missed the paper dolls. I loved how your first two turned out. Can we set up a play date for the girls to play with your dolls?
Did you take anymore pictures of the Quickutz Paperdoll cards that they had there I would love to see them. The ones you posted are cute.
k....Linda.....thanks for the wonderful comment...i am flattered and honoured....
those paperdolls are LOVELY!!! and of course, how you color your stamps are always utterly dreamy!! my husband and i always oogle over them :) sounds like a funtime at the fest!
I just found your blog and I love it! You are SO TALENTED! I was wondering if you could send me more info on the Quickutz paper dolls dies? I have looked on their website but the paper dolls are cutesy and round - not fashion statements like these! Any additional info you could provice on these products would be fabulous!!! Thanks from your newest feed subscriber! :-)
Linda, I just stumbled across your blog from way of PaulaBella. Your artwork is jaw-dropping marvelous. I wonder if you might let me know where I can aquire the Quickutz paper doll and accessory set, please? I adore your paper dolls. They remind (a little) of my old Betsy McCall paper dolls I'd play with when my mom's friend would give us the older issues. We were too poor to be able to afford any magazine subscriptions. Thank you SO much!
I'm at gabriela dot divine at verizon dot net. Only one L and yes the last name is Divine - simply Divine dah-ling!
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